- Our Wednesday Community Meal is held at 6:00pm each week.
- Zoom Compline, Wednesdays at 7:45pm. zoom.us/join Meeting ID: 844 1828 4802 Passcode: 942011
- Our clergy take appointments by phone, Zoom, or in person.
- Online Giving is now possible.
Current & Upcoming Programs
Upcoming Sunday Adult Forums
The Bonhoeffer Series
Sundays at 9:00am in the Parish Hall. Everyone loves Dieterich Bonhoeffer, the brilliant theologian, pastor and anti-Hitler activist who was martyred by the Nazis in 1945. Our clergy will provide informative talks on the life, ministry, and martyrdom of Bonhoeffer at Adult Forum beginning on January 19th with an overview presented by The Rev. Paul Gaston. The two following presentations on January 26th and February 2nd will be presented respectively by The Rev. Susan Tiffany and The Rev. Mark Pruitt.
Tuesday Lunchtime Bible Study
Tuesdays from noon–1:00pm in Room G-4. The Tuesday noon discussions of Acts, led by a member of the clergy will focus on one chapter each week, with brief pause for Holy Week. No preparation is required or expected. Participants are welcome to bring a brown bag lunch.
Morning Bible Study
Women join us for a study of God’s plan of salvation on Mondays at 10:00am in Room G-4. Runs through April 21st.
Visit our channel to check out a wealth of past videos.