- Our Wednesday Community Meal is held at 6:00pm each week.
- Zoom Compline, Wednesdays at 7:45pm. zoom.us/join Meeting ID: 844 1828 4802 Passcode: 942011
- Our clergy take appointments by phone, Zoom, or in person.
- Online Giving is now possible.
Current & Upcoming Programs
Upcoming Sunday Adult Forums
Join us Sundays at 9:00am in the Parish Hall
Mar. 30 – Wisdom, The Rev. Mark Pruitt
Apr. 6 – Living One Day At A Time, The Rev. Susan Tiffany
There is no Adult Forum on Palm Sunday (April 13) or Easter Sunday (April 20)
Lenten Lunch Study
Tuesdays at Noon, April 1 & 8
The Lenten Lunches will focus on the Serenity Prayer and will be led by one of our clergy members. A light lunch will be provided in the Parish Hall. Sign up required at the Front Desk.
Morning Bible Study
Women join us for a study of God’s plan of salvation on Mondays at 10:00am in Room G-4. Runs through April 21st.
Visit our channel to check out a wealth of past videos.