Serving On Sundays

Praising God makes a difference! So does hearing the Word, and connecting with others! Our minds need it, our hearts need it, and our world needs it. 

And It Takes Teams to Make It Work 

Every Sunday morning it takes a significant number of teams to support many different areas of ministry. If you would like to explore any of these ministry teams further, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page.

Altar Guild

This team prepares the church for worship services. Work is done Saturday mornings from 9:00–10:00am as well as on Sundays for a short time after services.

Greeters and Ushers

Greeter teams welcome people near the building entrances before the services, while ushers distribute bulletins, take offerings, and help with other logistical duties during services.

Welcome Table

This team welcomes guests, provides directions, and answers questions about the building, membership, and ministries.

Crucifers or Acolytes

This team, consisting of children, youth, and adults is active at the 10:00am service, carrying the cross in procession and assisting during communion.

Readers and/or Chalice Bearers

Members of this team read scripture and/or serve communion wine during worship services.

Hospitality Coffee Hour Hosts

Greet newcomers in the Parish Hall during Coffee Hour after the 10:00am service.

Sign Up

If you have any questions, you can contact Carrie Searle: or 330-836-9327, ext. 121.