Students are not just the future of the church, as is commonly said, they are the church today!
They gather looking for encouragement, enjoyment, relevance and authentic, trustworthy testimonies and experiences. Our program is about connecting with one another and with God in a safe and thoughtful atmosphere. We challenge our students to grow in their understanding of God, and their own spiritual journey, a personal relationship with the living Christ. No single thing does the trick. But learning to pray, serve, share, study and gather together with other Christians are all part of the wonderful mix that is Student Ministries at St. Paul’s.
Sunday Mornings: Youth Forum/Confirmation (Grades 7–12)
We meet on Sunday mornings on the second floor in Room 211 at 10:00am.
Serious Fun on Friday Nights (Grades 5–12)
Our Junior High group, aka Serious Fun, meets on Friday nights from 6–8pm in the Youth Space next to the Gymnasium. The format is dinner (often pizza), fun games, an engaging presentation, singing and prayers. Come and see how it relates to each of our lives.