We Belong
Globally, we belong to the worldside Anglican Communion. Nationally, to The Episcopal Church. Locally, to The Diocese of Ohio. Week by week, it might be fair to describe our work as 'Staff driven, lay led, and overseen by the Vestry.'
The Vestry
The vestry includes the Rector (our term for the Senior or Lead Pastor), and fifteen members of the parish, elected for three-year terms, two of whom become Wardens. The Vestry is the legal representative of the parish in all matters concerning its corporate property and the relations of the parish to its clergy. A Nominating Committee accepts nominations for new vestry members and presents a slate for approval to the Vestry, and then to the congregation at the Annual Meeting in February.
The Clergy and Staff
Our three ordained lead the parish in proclaiming the gospel, caring for those in need, and promoting together with the staff a wide-ranging, Christ-centered mission.
The Congregation
Our congregation is eager to serve, to learn, and to grow in the fullness of the life God has for us.